The absolute best food you are going to give a premature baby from mother's breast milk. Many mothers who have a premature birth, we are afraid that it will not be able to give enough milk for her baby because her baby would arrive soon to produce. Often there is nothing else than the fact that they go through emotional stress and physical drain that is difficult for the body to produce enough milk to make.
Mothers are encouraged to pump milk, even when the integrationFormula, regardless of how much they can produce. The body reacts to treatment - mechanical or expression of milk - to increase production. Without this stimulus, milk production is not increasing to meet the child. A good quality breast pump is very useful, especially when a premature baby nurse is not directly on the chest. Electronic Breast Pump is the easiest way to pump the milk, and "prolactin" in the body releases hormones in response to the pumpsend signals to produce more milk.
The line of Medela breast pump offers several options in a good pump Medela Symphony Medela as the classic and models. Most of the mothers of preterm infants with an initial program of pumping every two hours. A child would most likely be on that program, so this is a natural predisposition to breast pumps.
It is recommended that each pumping takes about 10-15 minutes. Even if a minimum milk is actuallythe effect of the pump will stimulate the production of prolactin. Next saw the pump a few minutes after the last drops of milk into the collection vessel of the pump. Virtually all women can not have milk for about 20 minutes to pump. Those who pump more risk with sore nipples and may be reluctant to continue pumping in special meetings to come. Typically, mothers pump 8-12 times a day, although this seems like a lot of times, once again it's the same routine as a nursing homeBaby.
Some suggestions to give you the breast pumping experience are more successful than a lot of rest and drink plenty of fluids, especially water rinse. If friends or relatives to cook, clean or offer to babysit other children, accept any offer of help. Milk is not "let-down" in the chest when you are exhausted and tense. Your premature baby needs a stable, good care and if you have lots of milk and also storage in the freezer, you will begood shape, as it increases the child's appetite. Most painkillers do not affect breast milk, but check with your doctor about the safety of drugs taken with milk expressed. Be sure that your doctor prescribes the drugs, which can take so that you can easily and painlessly, as the burden of pain on the top and the birth of a premature infant can all interfere with the production of milk.
Breast milk is by far the best food you can enter your premature baby and may helpthey mature and grow faster. It will also help against any virus during the critical days of life. They will do the best we can do for them, if you learn to use one of these pump and give them what God wanted for them as food.