Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Review of Medela Pump in Style Breast Pump

!9#: A Review of Medela Pump in Style Breast Pump

Breast pumps are very helpful when you are seeking to feed your child later, or you just want to let the excessive milk out of your breast. Medela is a large company which produces high quality breast pumps that are known for their reliability and simplicity. Medela has so far presented numerous models of pumps. They lately put the Medela dual breast pump, named Pump In Style, model number 8P91 for sale. It's a very handy pump that can be easily used, but is also gives pretty satisfying results too!

The reason why this pump is so special is because it can suck out milk from both breasts simultaneously. That's pretty special, but that's not just it. It is an electronic pump meaning it has an LCD display and some buttons which will help you set your preferences. When you are purchasing this model, you will also receive the AC adopter power cord, which can be used to recharge the battery of the pump. This pump includes 8AA batteries which can be recharged anytime. In addition, this pump allows you to adjust the speed for the suction and lets you control the vacuum for your own comfort. It also includes an ice pack cooler to store your bottles filled with the milked sucked out your breasts.

This model has received five star rating by many experts. It is not that expensive either, its price will vary from store to store, but it will most likely be more or less than 0. Make sure to purchase it from the stores which offer you the opportunity to switch it for another model of the pump, in case this pump doesn't suit you and your needs. By purchasing this pump, you are doing a big favor to yourself and most important, to your baby! So make sure to do the right decision. Good luck!

A Review of Medela Pump in Style Breast Pump

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Breast Pump Glossary and Breastfeeding Terms

!9#: Breast Pump Glossary and Breastfeeding Terms

2-phase expression

A feature on some breast pumps by Medela (Symphony, Pump In Style Advanced, not Original, and the Swing), that starts the cycling fast with less suction then after two minutes switches to slower cycling with more vacuum strength to imitate the sucking patterns of infants. A special let-down button can be pressed once to go instantly to the second mode. The manual breast pump Harmony is also said to have 2-phase. The first phase is initiated by squeezing the short part of the handle, with the longer, stronger strokes of the second phase coming from switching the hand around to squeeze the long part of the handle.


The dark circular area around the nipple. It is important during breast feeding for the baby to latch on with as much areola in his or her mouth as possible.

baby scale

For mothers concerned about low milk supply a baby scale is a tool to verify baby's weight gain and also the amount of breast milk received in any given nursing. By weighing the baby before and after nursing and doing a little subtraction, one can determine the number of ounces the baby nursed from the breast. Since a nursing baby is usually more efficient than any breast pump, this method is preferred to breast pumping for determining how much milk the baby may be getting. For these purposes a baby scale accurate to 15 grams or less may be rented from many breast pump rental stations.

battery pack, batteries

In a breast pump, batteries give cordless convenience but vacuum strength and cycles per minute may be less than the user will find when using the AC adapter. Also pump cycling may slow as the batteries wear down. Slower cycles may cause some discomfort because the vacuum will be held longer on the breast. If this happens, reduce the vacuum and replace the batteries with fresh ones as soon as possible.

breast pump

A device that expresses milk from the breast. A misconception is that the breast pump suctions milk out of the breast. A breast pump's job is to trigger the milk-ejection response or let-down. Most pumps achieve this goal by using suction to pull the nipple into the tunnel of the breast shield or flange then release, which counts as one cycle. Thirty to sixty cycles per minute can be expected with better quality electric breast pumps. It is important to note that in most cases the breast pump is not as efficient at removing milk from the breast as the nursing baby. Many mothers find their milk supply dwindling when they substitute too many pumpings for actual nursing sessions with their baby.

breast pump reviews

Opinions by actual users of the breast pumps. Two good places to find some reviews on the internet are Amazon and Epinions

breast shields, flanges, funnels

The part of the breast pump that actually touches the breast, covering the nipple and areola area. Medela breast shields fit almost all their pumps and come in sizes 21 mm, 23 mm, 27 mm, 30 mm, 36 mm, and 40 mm. Ameda uses different combinations of flanges and inserts to accommodate nipples in sizes 21 mm, 23 mm, 25 mm, 28.5 mm, 30.5 mm to fit all of their pumps but the Nurture III. See also SoftFit, Flexishield and Let-Down Massage Cushions.

closed system

Breast pumps designed for multiple users, such as hospital grade rental pumps. There is no possibility of breast milk entering the pump motor. See this article on used breast pumps for more information: Although the Avent Isis IQ breast pumps are said to be closed system, Avent still recommends their pumps to be single user.


The substance produced in the breasts during the final weeks of pregnancy. This "first milk" is highly concentrated in nutrition ideal for the newborn. It has been likened to an "antibodies cocktail." Colostrum has a laxative effect on the baby, helping him pass his early stools, which aids in the excretion of excess bilirubin and helps prevent jaundice. With frequent nursings of 10 to 12 times a day, a mother's regular breast milk will begin to appear or "come in" around day 3 or 4 after birth.


The suck and release pattern created by a breast pump to simulate what a nursing baby does.


cycles per minute. See cycling.

double pumping

Pumping both breasts simultaneously. Research with pre-term infants has shown double pumping can increase a mother's milk supply, reduce expression time (yes, even cutting times in half) and produce higher levels of prolactin, the hormone that stimulates milk production after birth.


Any time an insufficient amount of milk has been removed from the lactating breast it may cause this painful condition. The engorgement that occurs when a mother's milk first "comes in" is a little less understood, since swelling of the breast tissues themselves can be a contributing factor. There are many treatments, one of which is to use a breast pump briefly to soften the areola area so that the baby will be able to latch on easier.

funnel covers

The lid-like covers that snap over the funnel or breast shield of an Avent breast pump. The advantage of a cover is to keep the insides of the funnel and milk container clean and in ready-to-use condition.

Flexishield Areola Massager

A breast shield accessory that can be purchased separately and used with Ameda breast pumps. The Flexishield is designed to compress the areola area, helping to stimulate a let-down reflex. It is especially useful for smaller-breasted women who may benefit from the added stimulation.

hospital grade breast pumps

This group of pumps have a stronger vacuum strength than any other breast pumps and are the most suited to establishing and maintaining a milk supply in a mother who will not be breastfeeding her infant for long periods, as in the situation of a premature or sick infant.


Included with every Ameda breast pump except the Nurture III, a milk collection system that includes a special silicone diaphragm filter. This filter works two ways protecting the pump motor from getting contaminants in it and protecting the breast milk bottle from receiving contaminants from the motor. This extra amount of protection is desired for premature or sick infants or any mother desiring extra caution in the cleanliness of the collection of her milk. The use of the Hygienikit does not negate Ameda's recommendation that all their pumps (except the hospital rental pumps) be single user, even though the Hygienikit IS the individual user kit for rental pumps.

lactation consultant

A highly specialized healthcare professional with advanced training in breastfeeding management. Because of the nature of their training, their advice on breastfeeding may be more specific and useful than what a mother will receive from her obstetrician or baby's pediatrician.

lactation aid

A device that consists of a container of usually infant formula or banked breast milk and a long but narrow-diameter tube. The tube is inserted into an infant's mouth along with the breast while nursing and provides extra nutrition to the infant while the breast simultaneously receives stimulation to encourage lactation. This also prevents a baby from becoming attached to artificial nipples while enabling a mother time to undertake strategies to shore up a lagging milk supply. Should be used under the advice of a lactation consultant as improper use could diminish milk supply.


Also known as the milk ejection response, it occurs when hormones cause muscles within the breast to squeeze and the ducts to widen, pushing the milk from all parts of the breast toward the nipple. Some mothers feel a tingling sensation; others feel nothing. Let-down is partly a conditioned response and can be encouraged while nursing or breast pumping by engaging in routines (i.e. sitting in the same place, drinking from a certain cup), looking at a picture of the baby, thinking of the milk flowing, or taking the mind off of everything about it.

Let-Down Massage Cushions

The Avent breast pump shields or flanges are soft silicone and have 5 petal-shaped bumps that move in and out to massage the areola and aid let-down. Available in only one size.

milk collection bags

Marketed under different trade names, these plastic bags are intended for the collection and storage of breast milk. They bear a resemblance to disposable bottle liners but have the notable difference of being thicker and stronger. For this reason milk collection bags are more suited for freezing breast milk and for using with breast pumps that permit attaching bags in place of bottles. Attaching disposable bottle liners to a breast pump will not permit a sufficient suction to be created for the pump to function properly.


Abbreviation for millimeters of mercury and as it relates to breast pumps it means strength of vacuum or suction. Sufficient pressure is needed to stimulate let-down, not to suction the milk from the breasts as is sometimes erroneously believed. Hospital grade breast pumps have the highest mmHg numbers and are the best for establishing a milk supply in mothers who need help in that area because of low supply issues or a hospitalized newborn. After a supply is well-established some users have found that "less is more" and adjusting the suction lower has enabled better let-down. Fortunately most electric pumps have adjustable vacuum strengths.

open system

A breast pump designed to be used by a single user. See also closed system, multiple user.

parts to assemble

As defined on the Breast Pump Comparison web pages, such as, all the breast pump parts that must be assembled or disassembled at each pumping session not including motor, AC adaptor or battery pack, milk containers, lids, stands, extra breast shields or inserts, totes.

parts to wash

As defined on the above referenced web pages, all the breast pump parts that come in contact with the breast or milk, and therefore must be washed every time the user pumps, not counting the receptacle(s) for the milk and the lid(s).

milk ejection response (MER)

see let-down.

multiple user

Hospital grade rental pumps are designed to be multiple user, and rental stations will require the non-refundable and non-returnable purchase of an individual accessory kit for the parts (shields, connectors, tubing) that actually comes in contact with the mother's breast or milk.

piston-type manual breast pump

The pumping action is created with a sliding piston and cylinder and requires the use of two hands.

rental pumps

See multiple user

single breast pumping

Pumping only one breast at a time. Single pumping is useful for pumping one side while the baby nurses the other. For some mothers the ability to single pump enables them to soothe and hold their baby on one side while pumping the other.

single user

Most breast pumps are personal use items intended to be used by one mother only to prevent the transmission of diseases like HIV and hepatitis. See also closed, system, multiple user

SoftFit breast shield

The soft, flexible breast shield that massages the breast and areola when breast pumping, manufactured and trademarked by Medela. Can be used with all Medela pumps but the Little Hearts manual breast pump.


Awarded to breast pumps by actual users on Amazon and Epinions on a five-star scale with five meaning the best. Reading these reviews may be helpful because they often explain specific difficulties with certain breast pumps.

trigger-type manual breast pump

The pumping action is created with a squeeze handle similar to what one finds on a spray bottle. A one-handed breast pump.


Avent's sturdy disposable container system for the collection and storage of breast milk. It can be used with all of Avent's breast pumps and some other brands also. The disposable cup bases can be sterilized up to three times and are also suitable for freezing. Bottle nipples in a variety of flows are available to fit the system.


The warranty for breast pumps should be paid attention to and sales receipts saved. Pumps that get frequent use may wear out before their warranties expire.

Disclaimer: None of the content above should be construed as medical advice and all breastfeeding mothers should strive to educate themselves as much as possible from multiple sources and consult with doctors and lactation specialists as needed.

Notice: This article may be copied "as is" as long as this notice and links to the web pages at the "Baby Loves Your Milk" website are preserved. Request permission first from before making changes or additions.

Breast Pump Glossary and Breastfeeding Terms

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Monday, November 28, 2011

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Precision Scientific Pumping in the Laboratory

!9# Precision Scientific Pumping in the Laboratory

[if ]

A device that is taken for granted in the scientific, medical, and research laboratories is the precision scientific pump. This simple yet extremely useful machine does the work of what could be manual tasks and is usually overlooked until it breaks down. The laboratory scientific pumps in today's instruments have not changed much in many years; because they work well in the configuration they are currently designed.

The main types of scientific pumping used today are peristaltic pumps. This design was necessitated in the development of the dialysis machine, which is used when a patient's kidneys fail to filter contaminants and waste materials from the blood. The pump was designed so that when pumping blood through the machine, the blood would not be damaged in the pumping process. The peristaltic pump is so named because of the action on the tubing used to transport the fluids.

Peristalsis is the action of squeezing a tube linearly in sequence, moving fluid in a forward motion. The round peristaltic pump design is simple: Rollers are set inside a spinning wheel, and the rollers rest on top of the tubing holding the fluid. As the wheel spins, this squeezes the tubing in a flowing and constant manner, thus pushing the fluid along the tubing without damaging it.

This design is incorporated in precision scientific pumps. The motor that is attached to the pumping system can be step-driven, or made to respond in very small increments. This can give an exact amount of fluid to the instruments that are doing the testing procedures. As the motor steps rotationally, the peristaltic rollers push the fluid in the exact calibrated amount, thus acting as an autopipette system for administering precision doses of reagents or samples.

Other scientific pumps are piston controlled. Many medical analytical instruments use this type of pump for the rinsing of probes, the mixing of reagents, and even the mixing of samples and diluents. Many of these piston scientific pumps are used for the purified water delivery system. They can be calibrated and adjusted for temperature variations and type of fluid used.

There are air pumps that use air pressure to move a membrane in a pumping motion. The fluid needing to be moved is on the other side of the membrane, and as the air pressure moves on the opposite side, the flexing of the membrane pumps the fluid through valves that are arranged to keep a constant flow of liquid. These types of scientific pumps can be calibrated to give a certain pressure flow, or even be used to increase fluid pressure within the instruments' tubing system.

Some scientific pumping is done by gravity and precision valve control. The reagent is installed above the work area, and as reagent is needed, precision valve systems are controlled electronically to deliver the precise amount of the reagent during the instruments run.

Another scientific pumping method is done by impeller. This is useful when mixing the purified water or other reagents prior to testing. The impeller can be electronically controlled to run at precision speeds or times, and are excellent for mixing.

It is plainly seen that the scientific pumps listed are needed and taken for granted. As they work hard in the background, we will only notice them when they stop working properly.

Precision Scientific Pumping in the Laboratory

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Pump In Style Advanced Breast Pump Backpack

!9# Pump In Style Advanced Breast Pump Backpack

Brand : Medela | Rate : | Price : $230.00
Post Date : Oct 21, 2011 21:12:45 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Pump In Style Advanced Breast Pump with Backpack by Medela is perfect for the active mother. It''s all in the bag with this handy kit. Kit includes the Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump that fits securely in the stylish black microfiber backpack. The Natural Expression pumping is designed for faster milk flow and feels more like your baby than any other pump. The customized pumping with adjustable speed and vacuum control lets you pump at a comfortable pace.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Medela Freestyle Breast Pump

!9# Medela Freestyle Breast Pump

Brand : Medela
Rate :
Price : $327.99
Post Date : Oct 03, 2011 23:54:50
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Medela Freestyle Hands Free Breast Pump - Medela 67060.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Satisfy your premature baby - can and should be done

!9# Satisfy your premature baby - can and should be done

[if ]

The absolute best food you are going to give a premature baby from mother's breast milk. Many mothers who have a premature birth, we are afraid that it will not be able to give enough milk for her baby because her baby would arrive soon to produce. Often there is nothing else than the fact that they go through emotional stress and physical drain that is difficult for the body to produce enough milk to make.

Mothers are encouraged to pump milk, even when the integrationFormula, regardless of how much they can produce. The body reacts to treatment - mechanical or expression of milk - to increase production. Without this stimulus, milk production is not increasing to meet the child. A good quality breast pump is very useful, especially when a premature baby nurse is not directly on the chest. Electronic Breast Pump is the easiest way to pump the milk, and "prolactin" in the body releases hormones in response to the pumpsend signals to produce more milk.

The line of Medela breast pump offers several options in a good pump Medela Symphony Medela as the classic and models. Most of the mothers of preterm infants with an initial program of pumping every two hours. A child would most likely be on that program, so this is a natural predisposition to breast pumps.

It is recommended that each pumping takes about 10-15 minutes. Even if a minimum milk is actuallythe effect of the pump will stimulate the production of prolactin. Next saw the pump a few minutes after the last drops of milk into the collection vessel of the pump. Virtually all women can not have milk for about 20 minutes to pump. Those who pump more risk with sore nipples and may be reluctant to continue pumping in special meetings to come. Typically, mothers pump 8-12 times a day, although this seems like a lot of times, once again it's the same routine as a nursing homeBaby.

Some suggestions to give you the breast pumping experience are more successful than a lot of rest and drink plenty of fluids, especially water rinse. If friends or relatives to cook, clean or offer to babysit other children, accept any offer of help. Milk is not "let-down" in the chest when you are exhausted and tense. Your premature baby needs a stable, good care and if you have lots of milk and also storage in the freezer, you will begood shape, as it increases the child's appetite. Most painkillers do not affect breast milk, but check with your doctor about the safety of drugs taken with milk expressed. Be sure that your doctor prescribes the drugs, which can take so that you can easily and painlessly, as the burden of pain on the top and the birth of a premature infant can all interfere with the production of milk.

Breast milk is by far the best food you can enter your premature baby and may helpthey mature and grow faster. It will also help against any virus during the critical days of life. They will do the best we can do for them, if you learn to use one of these pump and give them what God wanted for them as food.

Satisfy your premature baby - can and should be done

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Breast Pump Reviews

!9# Breast Pump Reviews

[if ]

The qualities required of a breast pump, comfort, efficiency, milk production and ease of use for the breastfeeding mother. Currently, companies like Medela and Ameda offer, plus a couple of other companies at the top of the line breast pump.

Mothers need to consult a lactation consultant before you rent or buy a breast pump. It is for rent, in the case of the breast pump, will be easier to purchase a kit hire. This includes the components needed to pumpDairy products. A weekly or monthly rental will be charged by the broker.

The better equipped hospital rental pumps, Medela and Ameda pumps are provided. Medela Medela Symphony hospital grade rental pumps, breast pump rental Lactina Classic. Ameda Ameda Elite provides, and Lact-electric breast pump hire and SMB.

Mothers need to speak with your doctor to write a prescription for a breast pump rental or purchase. Although some insurance companiesCompanies reimburse part or in whole for all the rent or purchase a hospital grade breast pumps retail, depends heavily on the insurance coverage includes medical devices.

Medela Pump in Style breast pump is a long-term that can be used for a second or third child, too. Even if the parties, such as pipes, valves or diaphragms should be replaced with their mothers have a very good investment.

TheMedela Mini Electric breast pump that can also be used a short-term separations between mother and son. Traveling with this is very convenient because it is portable and easy to complete. The pump can be connected to a normal bottle. A transformer is combined with pump, plug it into any outlet or may be provided allowing the pump also driven by two AA batteries. In the event that the two options which are not possible, a manual pump adapter is also providedfor emergencies.

Reviews show that consumers preferred the breast pump breast pump cleaning Yours Ameda, Medela Pump in Style Original Medela Pump In Style and travelers.

Breast Pump Reviews

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Medela Symphony Plus Hospital Grade Breast Pump - BPA Free #0240208

!9#Medela Symphony Plus Hospital Grade Breast Pump - BPA Free #0240208

Brand : Medela
Rate :
Price : $1,589.98
Post Date : Aug 07, 2011 23:09:07
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Here comes Medela's latest innovation in hospital-grade electric double pumps Symphony, tested and proven to reduce pumping time. The first and only breastpump with a 2-Phase Pumping Program. Let-Down and then a slower, deeper rhythm for efficient milk expression. The pumping programs are stored on a program card, which enable the programs to be utilized in the future. Symphony implements the results of extensive research on electric breast pumps initiated by Medela; and conducted by internationally renowned lactation researcher Peter Hartmann, Ph.D. Medela products are not only durable, but rated as the best quality Breast Pumps of which the Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps are the latest improvement. This model comes with both options of battery powered (including battery pack) and wall powered including the wall adapter.

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